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about me

Hi, I'm Bridget: copywriter, blogger, traveler, reader, fashion fan (i.e. I shop too much), and craft nerd.


Look around, check out my work, follow me on social media, and feel free to drop me a line.


Want to know more? I'm flattered! I love writing (you may have heard of the dramatic poem written as a youth, entitled "The Trauma of a Pickle"), traveling (next up on my wish list: Budapest), fashion (ranging from Goodwill to vintage 60s finds to only-in-my-dreams high fashion), running, all things British (see: my Kate Middleton blogging experience) , blogging about my DIY projects, vintage & antique shopping, oil painting, knitting, cheese (born and raised Wisconsinite), my big, crazy family, and attempting to achieve my New Year's resolution of reading 38 books this year (it's looking good!). Oh, and the Oxford comma. Always the Oxford comma.


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